Duane Funderburk
Pianist, Composer
NEW WORKS - Available Spring 2025
Choral Works
My Savior Leads Me (tune: Funderburk/text Crosby) arr. Funderburk
for children's choir, optional adult choir, string quartet, piano
(a version for adult choir and piano, with optional string quartet will also be available)
If You But Trust In God To Guide You (tune/text): Neumark) arr. Funderburk
for children's choir, optional adult choir, string quartet, piano
Instrumental (Cello/Piano)
A COLLECTION: 3 Pieces for Cello and Piano - Hark I Hear
This collection, arranged by Duane Funderburk, will include 3 hymn tunes arranged for use in worship services or in a concert setting.
(tune: Forest Green)
Choral Works
A Mighty Fortress is Our God (Luther, arr. Funderburk)
for choir, congregation, orchestra, organ
Jubal House Publications - available through J.W. Pepper
Guide Me, O Thou Great Redeemer (Williams, Hughes, arr. Funderburk)
for choir, congregation, orchestra, and piano
Lift High the Cross (Kitchin, Newbolt, Nicholson, arr. Funderburk)
for choir, congregation, brass (2 trumpets, 2 horns, 2 trombones, tuba), timpani, percussion and organ
Of The Father's Love Begotten (Prudentius, Neale, arr. Funderburk)
for choir, soloist, organ, piano (with optional handbells and orchestra)
published by Duane Funderburk
Once In Royal David’s City (Gauntlett, arr. Funderburk)
for choir, children, congregation, orchestra, and organ
Jubal House Publications - available through J.W. Pepper
One Small Child (Meece, arr. Funderburk)
for men’s chorus, solo violin, and piano
published by Duane Funderburk
Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven (Lyte, Goss, arr. Funderburk)
for choir, congregation, brass, percussion, and organ
Jubal House Publications - available through J.W. Pepper
Still, Still, Still (Austrian Carol, arr. Funderburk)
for choir, orchestra, solo violin, and piano
published by Duane Funderburk
Sweet Little Jesus Boy (Mac Gimsey, arr. Funderburk)
for solo voice, choir, string quartet, string bass, and piano
We Are God's People (Leech, Brahms, arr. Funderburk)
for choir, congregation, orchestra, and organ
Jubal House Publications - available through J.W. Pepper
When In Our Music God Is Glorified (Green, arr. Funderburk)
for choir, organ, brass, percussion, and congregation
published by Duane Funderburk
Instrumental Works
Violin and Piano
Amazing Grace (Traditional, arr. Funderburk)
with optional oboe and strings
Blessed Assurance (Crosby, Knapp, arr. Funderburk)
Hymns To The Creator (arr. Funderburk)
(This Is My Father’s World & All Creatures of Our God and King)
Shchedryk Carol (Carol of the Bells) – (Ukranian Folk Song, arr. Funderburk)
published by Duane Funderburk
What Wondrous Love is This (American Folk Hymn, arr. Funderburk)
Violin, Cello, and Piano
Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise (St. Denio, arr. Funderburk)
Joshua Fit the Battle (African American Spiritual, arr. Funderburk)
published by Duane Funderburk
Available Fall 2023
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silent (Picardy, arr. Funderburk)
Let All Things Now Living (Ashgrove, arr. Funderburk)
Our Great Savior, "Hyfrydol" (Prichard, arr. Funderburk)
What Child Is This? (Greensleeves) - (traditional English carol, arr. Funderburk)
published by Duane Funderburk
Cello and Piano
Two Pieces for Cello and Piano
(Alas, and Did My Savior Bleed & On Jordan's Stormy Banks)
Two Spirituals for Cello & Piano (arr. by Duane Funderburk)
(Deep River, King Jesus is A-Listenin’)
Two Violins, Viola, Cello, and Piano
O the Deep, Deep Love (Williams, arr. Funderburk)
for piano, 2 violins, viola, and cello
How Great Thou Art (Hine, arr. Funderburk)
for piano, 2 violins, viola, and cello
Oboe and Piano
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing (Traditional, arr. Funderburk)
(can also be performed with flute or violin)
Lead On, O King Eternal (Smart, arr. Funderburk)
published by Duane Funderburk
Woodwind Quintet and Piano
Beach Spring (Traditional American, arr. Funderburk)
I Wonder As I Wander (Niles, arr. Funderburk)
Jesus, Jesus, Rest Your Head (Niles, arr. Funderburk)
published by Duane Funderburk
Rejoice Ye Pure in Heart (Plumptre, Messiter, arr. Funderburk)
The God of Abraham Praise (Hebrew melody, arr. Funderburk)
Three Sacred Settings for Woodwind Quintet and Piano (arr. Funderburk)
(including For the Beauty of the Earth, If You But Trust, The Church’s One Foundation)
Piano Solo
Piano Prelude Series, Vol. 3
Before the Throne of God Above (Chenez, Griffiths, arr. Funderburk)
Greensleeves (English 16th c., arr. Funderburk)
Piano Prelude Series, Vol. 4
Holy Spirit, Ever Dwelling (Dutch hymntune, arr. Funderburk)
Piano Prelude Series, Vol. 5
My Faith Looks Up to Thee (Palmer, arr. Funderburk)
Piano Prelude Series, Vol. 8
(including Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed, All the Way My Savior Leads Me, May the Mind of Christ My Savior, The Lord's My Shepherd)
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty: Five Hymn Settings for Piano (arr. Funderburk)
Orchestral Works
A Mighty Fortress (Luther, arr. Funderburk)
for solo violin, piano, orchestra
published by Duane Funderburk
Before The Throne (Cook, Bancroft, arr. Funderburk)
for solo violin, piano, orchestra
published by Duane Funderburk
Be Thou My Vision (Irish Hymn, arr. Funderburk)
for solo violin, piano, orchestra
published by Duane Funderburk
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing (American melody, arr. Funderburk)
for solo violin (or solo cello), piano, orchestra
published by Duane Funderburk
Fantasy and Variations on Come We That Love The Lord (Williams, arr. Funderburk)
for solo violin, piano, orchestra
published by Duane Funderburk
For The Beauty of the Earth (Kocher, arr. Funderburk)
for solo violin, piano, orchestra
published by Duane Funderburk
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing (Mendelssohn, arr. Funderburk)
for solo organ and orchestra
published by Duane Funderburk
Holy God, We Praise Thy Name (Franz attr., arr. Funderburk)
for piano and orchestra
published by Duane Funderburk
Holy, Holy, Holy (Dykes, arr. Funderburk)
for solo violin, piano, and orchestra
Jesus, Lover of my Soul (Perry, Wesley, arr. Funderburk)
for solo violin, piano, orchestra
published by Duane Funderburk
On Christmas Night (Sussex Carol) – (English Carol, arr. Funderburk)
for solo violin, piano, orchestra
Shchedryk Carol (Carol of the Bells) – (Ukranian Folk Song, arr. Funderburk)
for solo violin, piano, orchestra
published by Duane Funderburk
This is My Father’s World (Sheppard, arr. Funderburk)
for solo viola, piano, orchestra
published by Duane Funderburk
Congregational Hymns and Orchestra
Rejoice, The Lord Is King (Wesley, Darwall, arr.Funderburk)
for congregation, orchestra and organ
published by Duane Funderburk
Jesus Shall Reign (Watts, Hatton, arr. Funderburk)
for congregation, orchestra and organ
And Can It Be (Wesley, Campbell, arr. Funderburk)
for congregation, orchestra and organ
published by Duane Funderburk
For additional works with congregation, see Choral Works.
Solo Voice and Piano
Give Me Jesus (Crosby, arr. Funderburk)
for baritone (medium voice), cello, and piano
Great is Thy Faithfulness (Chisholm, Runyan, newly composed/arr. Funderburk)
for soprano, string quartet (opt.) and piano
It is Well With My Soul (Spafford, Bliss, arr. Funderburk)
for soprano or tenor (high voice) and piano orchestration available
published by Duane Funderburk
The Holly and the Ivy (traditional English carol, arr. Funderburk)
for voice, piano, opt. orchestra
published by Duane Funderburk
Wexford Carol (traditional Irish, arr. Funderburk)
for soprano, strings, piano, opt. accordion